I'm funny. Or I hope so. If I end up not being than I'm sorry in advance for letting you down. ha. I need conversation, and if you can't hold one, well times may be difficult. Also, grammar, very important. Just sayin. That being said, I type like I speak, so I apologize for all my periods and broken sentences.
I'm a relatively nerdy guy. And I like it that way.
I love books and movies and tv shows. I love stories. Anything with an amazing story is perfect.
I love Star Wars. And even Star Trek.
I've read all the Harry Potter books. They're magical. And I have read them multiple times.

But most important. SCOTT PILGRIM. I am obsessed, with Scott Pilgrim. The graphic novels are brilliant. And the movie is the best film ever made. EVER.
And I should probably mention my love for tattoos. I've got multiple tattoos so far. A half sleeve and some others. And definately more to come.